While driving to Kentucky for my mother's funeral a few days ago, many memories and thoughts swirled in my head.
She would have been 101 in 30 days. Our family has been blessed to have her with us long as we did. And we are grateful to know that she is now in the arms of Jesus, and with Daddy, who went on ahead of her seven years ago.
My sister said, "I can see Daddy with his lopsided grin saying to her, 'It's about time you got here.'"
For her 100th birthday last year, we held a huge celebration. As a family, we had talked of having another party this year, though on a smaller scale. We even hoped she could be made an honorary member of the 101st Airborne Battalion at nearby Fort Campbell, as her mother had been when she turned 101.
But now, after a slow decline over the past few months and a difficult two weeks, she was no longer with us.
As I drove, I listened to a novel on audio, and one of the characters said, "God's plans don't always make sense to us, but that's when we learn to trust."
As I pondered that, I realized that it not only summed up the current situation, but also the way Mother lived her life. Her faith and the way she raised us reflected Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
While our plans were not God's plans for Mother, we know that she has a future with Him. And until we see her again, we trust in God's plans.